Part No | Position | Description |
5612570118 | 001 | cooking top with frame,complete,576x506mm |
3871798017 | 002 | anti-strain clip |
3874728003 | 003 | cabinet,electronic,input,Colibri |
3300361460 | 003 | user interface board,complete,TAP6 |
3305622726 | 010 | coil,inductance,Insulation,140mm |
3305622718 | 011 | coil,inductance,Insulation,180mm |
3305630828 | 012 | coil,induction,210mm |
3300360025 | 032L | module,induction,HP TIGER EOS |
3300360009 | 032R | module,induction,TIGER EOS |
3872025030 | 999 | harness,electronic,module,200mm, BC3<->BC03 |
3876798012 | 999 | retaining spring,ceramic glass,safety box |
3872025014 | 999 | harness,user interface board,module,500mm/ 3pol. |
3877958003 | 999 | tool,release button,PROMISE |
3875419008 | 999 | harness,oven,display,6 p <-> 2x 4p |
3879022105 | 999 | sealant,control and display board,PROMISE |
8929328212 | 999 | user manual,DE |