Part No | Position | Description |
3156925004 | 200 | Back panel,Heissluft |
3871250019 | 203 | Rack,left,inox |
3871250027 | 204 | Rack,right,inox |
3158653018 | 206 | fat filter |
3870287202 | 207 | Baking tray,grey/blue,enamelled,426x360x22mm |
3870294000 | 207B | baking tray,perforated plate,pastry tray,424x363x11mm |
3870288200 | 208 | drip pan,grey/blue,enamelled,426x360x42mm |
3870290024 | 209 | grill grid,426x357,4x22,2mm |
3156912002 | 210 | counterbearing,set of 2 |
3155112000 | 213 | gasket,oven door |
3871270017 | 214 | anti-strain clip |
3872957026 | 216 | Buffer,front panel |
3158415004 | 227 | isolation,mantle |
3157214218 | 236A | front frame,complete,child protection |
3051760217 | 260 | meat thermometer |
3158772008 | 261 | Cover,feeler |
3051761017 | 262 | Probe socket,three-pole |
3156264008 | 263 | Insulation,Back panel |
3156864005 | 273 | nut,round,M5 |
3156917001 | 274H | bolt,back |
3156917019 | 274V | bolt,front |
3156924023 | 291 | conveyor,black,60,century |
3154463008 | 305F | gasket,meat thermometer |
3156926002 | 305R | gasket,Back panel |
3157196019 | 343 | Cover,generator |
3302476019 | 413B | door stopper,rubber,black,h=4,2mm |
3154595007 | 513T | bolt,4,2x16 |
3157637004 | 531A | bolt,with,Disc,M4x8 PZ |
3155958006 | 531L | bolt,inox,M4x12 |
3304114014 | 550 | child protection,cpl.,mechanic |
Part No | Position | Description |
3890815016 | 048 | sensor,temperature,PT500 |
3157606009 | 160 | Switch,light |
3155149002 | 222 | Disc,silicone |
3156914008 | 300 | heater element,upper |
3156918058 | 301B | fan,complete,HL,230V |
3152666032 | 302A | impeller,inox |
3153252006 | 303 | nut,fan wheel |
3154466001 | 305H | gasket |
3156920021 | 305M | gasket set,oven lamp |
3154467009 | 305O | gasket,upper,heater |
3155148004 | 305P | gasket,thermostat,PT 500 |
3155952009 | 305S | gasket,oven lamp,side |
3156654000 | 305T | Seal,shaft |
3192553018 | 306 | clamp,connection,three-pole |
3156914065 | 307A | heater element,round,230V,1900W |
3156891008 | 308 | heating element,bottom,230V,1000W |
3872198001 | 308 | heating element,bottom,230V, 1000W |
3157208004 | 313 | cap,light,Switch |
3051725228 | 314A | Lampholder,side,E14,230V,25W |
3051725020 | 314A | Lampholder,side,E14,240V,25W |
3890865029 | 314A | Lampholder,side,G9,230V,25W |
3051720229 | 316A | oven lamp,complete,top,E14,230V,25W |
3051720021 | 316A | oven lamp,assembly |
3157024005 | 328 | retainer,heating element,bottom |
3157922000 | 328 | retainer,heating element,bottom |
3871760025 | 330 | power cable |
3192710022 | 330 | power cable,with,plug |
3157446018 | 344 | thermostat,220 C |
4004506004 | 349A | Lamp,25W,220V |
3874617008 | 349A | Bulb,G9,230V,25W |
3156920013 | 350L | glass,oven lamp,side |
4006029344 | 350S | Lamp cover |
3157816004 | 403 | acoustic indicator |
3156249009 | 403 | acoustic indicator |
3306722228 | 404 | power board,programmed,OVC2000 |
3154595007 | 513T | bolt,4,2x16 |
3155958006 | 531L | bolt,inox,M4x12 |
Part No | Position | Description |
3890815016 | 048 | sensor,temperature,PT500 |
3157606009 | 160 | Switch,light |
3155149002 | 222 | Disc,silicone |
3156914008 | 300 | heater element,upper |
3156918058 | 301B | fan,complete,HL,230V |
3152666032 | 302A | impeller,inox |
3153252006 | 303 | nut,fan wheel |
3157971015 | 305H | seal,heater element,round |
3156920021 | 305M | gasket set,oven lamp |
3154467009 | 305O | gasket,upper,heater |
3155148004 | 305P | gasket,thermostat,PT 500 |
3155952009 | 305S | gasket,oven lamp,side |
3156654000 | 305T | Seal,shaft |
3192553018 | 306 | clamp,connection,three-pole |
3156914016 | 307A | heating element,round,complete,230V |
3872198001 | 308 | heating element,bottom,230V, 1000W |
3157208004 | 313 | cap,light,Switch |
3051725228 | 314A | Lampholder,side,E14,230V,25W |
3890865011 | 314A | oven lamp,assembly,halogen,230v/25w |
3051720229 | 316A | oven lamp,complete,top,E14,230V,25W |
3157922000 | 328 | retainer,heating element,bottom |
3871760025 | 330 | power cable |
3157446018 | 344 | thermostat,220 C |
4004506004 | 349A | Lamp,25W,220V |
3874617008 | 349A | Bulb,G9,230V,25W |
3156920013 | 350L | glass,oven lamp,side |
4006029344 | 350S | Lamp cover |
3159086002 | 403 | acoustic indicator |
3306722285 | 404 | power board,programmed,OVC2000 |
3154595007 | 513T | bolt,4,2x16 |
3155958006 | 531L | bolt,inox,M4x12 |
3156948006 | 999 | locknut,M4 (4x) |
Part No | Position | Description |
3156925004 | 200 | Back panel,Heissluft |
3871250019 | 203 | Rack,left,inox |
3156243002 | 203 | Rack,left |
3156243010 | 204 | Rack,right |
3871250027 | 204 | Rack,right,inox |
3304284023 | 206 | fat filter |
3192145013 | 207 | baking tray,for,Rack,426x349x22mm |
3870287202 | 207 | Baking tray,grey/blue,enamelled,426x360x22mm |
3870294000 | 207B | baking tray,perforated plate,pastry tray,424x363x11mm |
3152497008 | 207B | baking tray,with hole,425x349x11mm |
4006070520 | 208 | grill,Insert,427,5x345,5x20,5mm |
3870288200 | 208 | drip pan,grey/blue,enamelled,426x360x42mm |
3870290024 | 209 | grill grid,426x357,4x22,2mm |
3304581030 | 209 | grill grid,427,5x345,4x20,5mm |
3156912002 | 210 | counterbearing,set of 2 |
3155112000 | 213 | gasket,oven door |
3871270017 | 214 | anti-strain clip |
3192409013 | 216 | distance piece,black |
3157411004 | 227 | isolation,mantle |
3157214218 | 236A | front frame,complete,child protection |
3051760217 | 260 | meat thermometer |
3051760118 | 260 | meat thermometer,340mm |
3154582005 | 261 | Cover,Socket,meat thermometer |
3154583003 | 261 | seal,Cover,Socket |
3051761017 | 262 | Probe socket,three-pole |
3156264008 | 263 | Insulation,Back panel |
3156864005 | 273 | nut,round,M5 |
3156917001 | 274H | bolt,back |
3156917019 | 274V | bolt,front |
3156924023 | 291 | conveyor,black,60,century |
3154463008 | 305F | gasket,meat thermometer |
3156926002 | 305R | gasket,Back panel |
3157196019 | 343 | Cover,generator |
3302476019 | 413B | door stopper,rubber,black,h=4,2mm |
3154595007 | 513T | bolt,4,2x16 |
3157637004 | 531A | bolt,with,Disc,M4x8 PZ |
3304114014 | 550 | child protection,cpl.,mechanic |